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  1989年,瑞士的欧洲量子物理实验室一位计算机科学家 Tim Berners-Lee 发明了WWW (World Wide Web)。
  1998年,两位 Stanford 的程序设计师创建了Google。他们的算法仿效Amazon-方式,将连结视为一种评价记录,从此建立了世界上最有影响力的搜-寻引擎。
  1999年,TiVo使得电视从时间限制与商业广告中解放出来。-体验过TiVo的人几乎没有再回头的。这一年,因特网公司 Pyra Labs 将一种个人出版工具 Blogger 公诸于众。
  2004年很多事情的起始将会为来者所记忆。Reason杂志向订户发送了一期封面有张订户房屋卫星照片的杂-志,而且里面内容是由订户客制化信息。Sony和飞利浦公布了世界上第一个能够大量生产的电子纸。 Google推出了GMail,给予每位使用者1GB的免费空间-。微软推出了Newsbot(MSN新闻机器人),一种社群新闻过-滤器。 Amazon推出了A9,一种建立在Google技术基础上的搜-寻引擎,又结合了Amazon自己的长处。随后,Google上市,有了充沛新资本后,使得这家公司可以进行一项重大并购,Goog-le购买了TiVo。
  2005年 - 为了反击Google近来的进展,微软购买了Friendste-r。
    2006 年 - Google将TiVo、Blogger、GMail、Goog-leNews以及它全部搜寻,所有的服务都整合进了Google-网格之中,这是一种通用平台,提供储存与分享所有媒体于无限的储-存空间和频宽,随时联机、随处存取。每位使用者可以选择她自己的-隐私权等级,她可以将自己的东西安全地保存在Google网格中、或公诸于众。它前所未有的容易让人都可以创-建与使用媒体。
  2008 年看起来是联盟挑战微软野心的一年。Google和Amazon-合组了Googlezon,Google提供Google网格以-及搜寻技术,Amazon 则提供社群记录引擎以及庞大的商业架构。合在一起共享两者详细的-使用者社群网络、人口统计、消费习惯与兴趣的知识,以提供完整的-客制化内容与广告服务。
  「进化型的个人信息架构」(Evolving Personalized Information Construct , EPIC)是一种让杂乱无序的媒体内容进行过滤与条理化发行的系-统。从Blog文章、手机相片、视讯报导、到研究报告,每个人现-在都可以参与,很多人还为此获得报酬~只需从Googlezon-庞大广告收益中抽出少许即可泽披大众来稿。EPIC依据使用者的选择、消费习惯、兴趣、地理位置、社群网络-,创造出一种客制化的内容。新一代的自由编辑已经迅速成长起来,他们把自己能力销到EPIC-的连结、筛选和优先处理内容。EPIC让我们混合比对自己想要的选择来订阅许多的编辑,更好的-是EPIC超越过去来为内行的读者更深入更广泛的一览这世界更多-微妙事务。但是这也有很多非常差劲的地方,EPIC只不过像是一-堆琐事的集合,充斥着感觉上不实、狭隘、肤湹挠^点。但是EPI-C总是我们想要的选择,它商业上的成功替代了媒体和民众或新闻道-德的议论。

来自:Pconline 作者:张小璐

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

In the year 2014 people have access to a breadth and depth of information unimaginable in an earlier age.

Everyone contributes in some way.

Everyone participates to create a living, breathing mediascape. However, the Press, as you know it, has ceased to exist. The Fourth Estate’s fortunes have waned. 20th Century news organizations are an after-thought, a lonely remnant of a not too distant past.

The road to 2014 began in the mid-20th Century.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland, invents the World Wide Web.

1994 sees the founding of Amazon.com. Its young creator dreams of a store that sells everything. Amazon’s model, which would come to set the standard for Internet sales, is built on automated personalized recommendations – a store that can make suggestions.

In 1998, two Stanford programmers create Google. Their algorithm echoes the language of Amazon, it treats links as recommendations, and from that foundation powers the world’s most effective search engine.

In 1999, TiVo transforms television by unshackling it from the constraints of time – and commercials. Almost no one who tries it ever goes back.

That year, a dot-com start-up named Pyra Labs unveils Blogger, a personal publishing tool.

Friendster launches in 2002 and hundreds of thousands of young people rush to populate it with an incredibly detailed map of their lives, their interests and their social networks. Also in 2002, Google launches GoogleNews, a news portal. News organizations cry foul. GoogleNews is edited entirely by computers.

In 2003, Google buys Blogger. Google’s plans are a mystery, but their interest in Blogger is not unreasonable.

2003 is the Year of the Blog.

2004 would be remembered as the year that everything began.

Reason Magazine sends subscribers an issue with a satellite photo of their houses on the cover and information custom-tailored to each subscriber inside.

Sony and Philips unveil the world’s first mass-produced electronic paper.

Google unveils GMail, with a gigabyte of free space for every user.

Microsoft unveils Newsbot, a social news filter.

Amazon unveils A9, a search engine built on Google’s technology that also incorporates Amazon’s trademark recommendations.

And then, Google goes public.

Awash in new capital, the company makes a major acquisition. Google buys TiVo.

2005 – In response to Google’s recent moves, Microsoft buys Friendster.

2006 – Google combines all of its services – TiVo, Blogger, GMail, GoogleNews and all of its searches into the Google Grid, a universal platform that provides a functionally limitless amount of storage space and bandwidth to store and share media of all kinds. Always online, accessible from anywhere. Each user selects her own level of privacy. She can store her content securely on the Google Grid, or publish it for all to see. It has never been easier for anyone, everyone to create as well as consume media.

2007 – Microsoft responds to Google’s mounting challenge with Newsbotster, a social news network and participatory journalism platform. Newsbotster ranks and sorts news, based on what each user’s friends and colleagues are reading and viewing and it allows everyone to comment on what they see.

Sony’s ePaper is cheaper than real paper this year. It’s the medium of choice for Newsbotster.

2008 sees the alliance that will challenge Microsoft’s ambitions. Google and Amazon join forces to form Googlezon. Google supplies the Google Grid and unparalled search technology. Amazon supplies the social recommendation engine and its huge commercial infrastructure. Together, they use their detailed knowledge of every user’s social network, demographics, consumption habits and interests to provide total customization of content – and advertising.

The News Wars of 2010 are notable for the fact that no actual news organizations take part.

Googlezon finally checkmates Microsoft with features the software giant cannot match. Using a new algorithm, Googlezon’s computers construct news stories dynamically, stripping sentences and facts from all content sources and recombining them. The computer writes a news story for every user.

In 2011, the slumbering Fourth Estate awakes to make its first and final stand. The New York Times Company sues Googlezon, claiming that the company’s fact-stripping robots are a violation of copyright law. The case goes all the way to the Supreme Court, which on August 4, 2011 decides in favour of Googlezon.

On Sunday, March 9 2014, Googlezon unleashes EPIC.

Welcome to our world.

The ‘Evolving Personalized Information Construct’ is the system by which our sprawling, chaotic mediascape is filtered, ordered and delivered. Everyone contributes now – from blog entries, to phone-cam images, to video reports, to full investigations. Many people get paid too – a tiny cut of Googlezon’s immense advertising revenue, proportional to the popularity of their contributions.

EPIC produces a custom contents package for each user, using his choices, his consumption habits, his interests, his demographics, his social network – to shape the product.

A new generation of freelance editors has sprung up, people who sell their ability to connect, filter and prioritize the contents of EPIC.

We all subscribe to many Editors; EPIC allows us to mix and match their choices however we like. At its best, edited for the savviest readers, EPIC is a summary of the world – deeper, broader and more nuanced than anything ever available before.
